We offer
Our area of work is within the train industry.
Johs. Pedersen TRAIN a/s manufactures mechanical components both in steel and aluminium, as well as interior components such as seats, sofas and side and roof panel upholstery. Furthermore, Johs. Pedersen TRAIN a/s comprises a comprehensive renovation business, whereby we receive and renovate interior parts which, for one reason or another, require renovation.
Johs. Pedersen TRAIN a/s is also a turnkey supplier of renovation jobs on interiors, whereby we use our own personnel to strip out an entire train, bring it to our modern upholstery factory in Viborg, and then dismantle, clean, and renovate the furnishings before reassembling them in the train. All within an extremely tight schedule.

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Years of experience
Customer satisfaction

Mechanical components include:
- Welding according to EN15085 both ice rust proof steel and aluminium
- Pipe bending from Ø6 to Ø89 (may be for both fuel oil, hydraulics, air, electricity, and handrails in almost all materials
- Processing/mounting of locks, floor fixing, etc.
- Mounting of mechanical components
Interiors include:
- Renovation of folding tables
- Seat renovation – both mechanical and sewing
- Side panel upholstery – new and renovation
- Dismantling as well as mounting of sofas in the train

One of our biggest strengths is our ability to combine our knowhow within both metal production and interiors. This is for example reflected in the conversion of the compartments in Copenhagen’s suburban S-trains from passenger to flex compartments enabling passengers to bring bicycles and prams onto the train.